accessibility policy
help using this site
Make the text larger by changing your browser settings. For example, in Firefox 3.0 and Internet Explorer 7.0 use the ‘Ctrl’ keyboard key with the ‘+’ key to zoom text larger.
Browse without a mouse by using the keyboard tab key to move forward between links, and ‘shift’ + ‘tab’ to move backwards. The selected link has a dotted border around it and is triggered by pressing enter.
Visit the BBC site, My Web My Way for full details on how to set your browser to suit your needs, and ways of making the web easier to use.
technical aspects of accessibility
This site has been designed with accessibility in mind, with reference to WCAG1.0, and proposed WCAG 2.0 recommendations.
Page content and style has been kept separate using xhtml and css.
To optimise cross-browser compatibility all code is W3C compliant:
- All pages validate as xhtml 4.01 strict, using the W3C markup validator
- All style sheets validate using the W3C CSS validator
The colour scheme has been checked for accessibility to colour blind users usingVischeck colour blind simulation tool. No content features rely on the use of colour alone.
All non-decorative images have ‘alt’ text equivalents which will be read aloud by screen readers, displayed in place of the image by text only browsers, and show as a tool tip on many graphical browsers.
Decorative images have ‘alt’ text set to null, or are controlled by the style sheet.
Access keys have not been specified as navigation short cuts in order to avoid potential conflict with assistive technologies, such as screen readers.
This Policy was last reviewed 10th Nov 2008.